Coronavirus Update: Ready For Business Resuming On 19th July 2021

28 May 2020

We hope that you are well and safe.

We are continuing to design and make jewellery and serve clients.

Since the easing of restrictions by the Government from 19th July, we are pleased to announce that our normal trading has resumed. As the restrictions have now been relaxed, whilst we still encourage you to book an appointment in order to be assured of personal service, you are welcome to visit the shop whilst you are in Canterbury. We still offer remote appointments if you wish to book a Skype or Zoom call.

Please contact us to arrange an appointment.

  • The health and well-being of our clients and team is of the utmost importance to us. Whilst you are visiting us, we respectfully ask that you please be aware of the spacing between yourself and others in the shop.
  • We do have hand sanitiser which we would welcome you to use before and after handling the jewellery.
  • We do have disposable face masks available for your use.
  • We kindly ask that if you have Covid-19 symptoms, are self isolating, awaiting test results or know of anyone you have been in contact with in the aforementioned situation, that you shop sensitively, being considerate of staff and other customers, and perhaps postpone your visit to the store for a later date.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

As always, we feel so fortunate to be busy designing jewellery and creating items of beauty for our wonderful clients.

Thank you, stay safe and warmest wishes

André & Rose
